Hodson's Bay Company
Hodson's Bay Company

*Paused by clients*

Hodson's Bay Company is a local bike company in West Lafayette, Indiana ...whose website was old and unresponsive. Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, my team developed the perfect website the owners wanted.

Tee Pose
Tee Pose | Design and Apparel

Tee Pose is a fake apparel website built upon the challenge of making a gallery page without PHP or a database. ... The only code allowed was HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript.

Craigslist Redesign
Craigslist Redesign: UX Process

The task at hand was to redesign Craigslist's early 2000s design. Following common UX practices including ...Proto-Personas, Competitive Reviews, Mood Boards, and More.

Spooky Train Video
Ghost Train: 3D Lighting

Ghost Train is a 30 second short film showcasing my technical skills of lighting & texturing. Maya 2018 was used to ...create the scene and animation. After Effects was used in compositing to color correct and other small effects.

Pull The Trigger
Pull the Trigger: Music video

Pull the Trigger is a 3D music video to Gioni - Trigger. Everything was created within After Effects using a plugin ...called Red Giant's Form. The video showcases complex camera movement and music synced animation.

Krabby Patty Recipe
Krabby Patty Recipe Infographic

The challenge was to create a new and unique infographic that is visually pleasing as well as informative. ...Inspired by Binging with Babish's recipe, I create this post following its steps while SpongeBob were performing said step.


© 2020 · Alan McBee